Screen Fabric

One of the biggest accomplishments of the theater happened when I managed to get my first piece of fabric installed on the screen wall. I used some thin cardboard strips to make a straight seam along the ceiling and approximately 200 staples, and it looks great! I’m using a material called Expocloth for my front wall and GOM (Guilford of Maine) for my side and rear walls. One piece down, many more to go.

After returning from a trip to Toledo this past weekend, I was able to get a couple more sections done of the screen wall fabric. Each section went faster than expected and came out great. Since I’ll need a way to get behind the wall if I ever need to adjust or change the speakers, I used velcro along the right-hand section. I’m also going to leave the bottom section until the very end so I can make any final adjustments, if needed. I’m waiting on the colored fabric for the walls.

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